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FFCA Constitution

Amended March 2014

  1. NAME

1.1. The name of the association shall be the Force Five Class Association (FFCA).


2.1. To provide a medium of exchange of information among Force 5 sailors throughout the country.

2.2. To promote and develop Force 5 Class amateur racing competition in the US & Canada under uniform rules.

2.3. To encourage and foster the enjoyment of the sporting and recreational aspects of sailing.

2.4. To maintain the one-design characteristics of the Force 5 Class sailboat.

2.5. To remain a not-for-profit organization.


3.1. The FFCA has the authority over all activities of the Force 5 Class. Its powers shall be vested in the Executive Council and carried out by the individual fleets and members as provided in this Constitution passed pursuant to the provisions hereof; all subject to and in accordance with the general rules and regulations of the national authority.


4.1. The Executive Council shall consist of:

  • The Class President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary
  • The Fleet Captain of each recognized fleet (unless he/she is unable to serve)
  • The Class Measurer
  • The Newsletter Editor
  • The Webmaster

Note: All members of the Executive Council (except the manufacturer’s rep) must be class members in good standing.

4.2. At meetings of the Executive Council, participation by a minimum of 50% of the EC members shall be required to conduct Executive Council business. (See Article 9.2 for special voting standards for changing the Class Rules).

4.3. The Executive Council shall meet at least once a year.

4.4. If an Executive Council member is unable to attend or participate he may appoint a substitute for that meeting only. Such designations shall be in writing and received by the Secretary prior to the meeting (email satisfies this requirement).

4.5. The President, Vice President and Treasurer shall be elected by majority vote of the general membership at the annual meeting in even-numbered years. They shall serve for two (2) years. Should one or more of these positions become vacant during the term of office, the Executive Council shall appoint a replacement to serve out the remainder of the term.

4.5.1. The Executive Council is empowered to authorize voting for President, Vice-president, and Treasurer by absent members. If so authorized, the Executive Council shall establish the mechanism(s) by which such voting is to be conducted and shall so inform the membership no later than one month prior to the annual meeting. If the Executive Council authorizes early mail-in or electronic voting of President, Vice President, and Treasurer, such voting shall be concluded no later than two weeks prior to the annual meeting to be held during the North American Championship Regatta.  Early voting ballots shall be combined with those cast at the annual meeting and the election results announced at that meeting and published in the next issue of the class newsletter.

4.6. Subject to the approval of the Executive Council, the president shall appoint the Secretary, Newsletter Editor, and Webmaster. Their responsibilities shall include:

4.6.1. Maintenance of the Constitution.

4.6.2. Responsible for maintenance of class Web site.

4.6.3. Liaison with the national authority and all other yachting authorities.

4.7. The Executive Council shall appoint, for such term as it shall decide, a Chief Measurer who shall rule on all questions and challenges relating to the rules and shall issue interpretations thereof deemed necessary by him. All such interpretations shall be binding until approved, rejected or modified by decision of the Executive Council and duly published to members of FFCA.

4.7.1. The President may appoint, upon the request of the host fleet of a FFCA championship, a measurer for that event in the absence of the FFCA Chief Measurer.

4.8. The Vice President shall act as the President at meetings not attended by the president. The Vice President's responsibilities shall be to act as National Regatta Chairman. Duties will include locating regatta sites for the National and Mid-Winter Championships and coordinate event scheduling with recognized fleets.


5.1. A Region shall consist of a territorial unit comprised of any fleets and independent boat owners within a specific geographic region. Designation of Regions shall be the responsibility of the FFCA.


6.1. A fleet shall be a local territorial unit that is self-governed in matters not conflicting with this Constitution and Bylaws. A fleet will be chartered by the FFCA upon application of three (3) or more Force 5 owners not within the established territory of an existing fleet. A fleet shall elect its own officers from among boat owners and shall include a Fleet Captain. To be an Executive Council member, the Fleet Captain must be a FFCA member in good standing.


7.1. Any person may become a member of the FFCA by making application and payment of the prescribed FFCA dues, provided that he has not been disqualified from membership for any cause or under suspension from membership by decision of the Executive Council.

7.2. An application for membership implies that the applicant undertakes and agrees to be bound by the Constitution and Bylaws of the FFCA upon being accepted to membership.

7.3. The Executive Council may grant honorary membership in the FFCA for such period as it determines to any person who through special contribution to the class or through special relationship to the FFCA is considered meritorious. Honorary and honorary life members are entitled to full privileges of membership, but are not required to pay annual dues to FFCA.

7.4. FFCA dues shall be in the amount determined by and shall be payable to the FFCA as prescribed by the Executive Council.

7.5. Payment of FFCA dues shall entitle a person the privileges of membership for the calendar year for which the dues are applicable.

7.6. FFCA dues are due on January 1 of that year. A member shall not be entitled to membership privileges (including competing in the Class-sanctioned championships) until his dues have been paid.

7.7. Only FFCA members are entitled to compete in Class-sanctioned championships (National, Mid-Winter, and Regional).


8.1. A member may be suspended and/or disqualified from membership by the Executive Council on the recommendation of a Fleet Captain for the gross violation of the US Racing Rules of Sailing (current edition), the FFCA Constitution, for committing an unlawful act in relation to the FFCA or one of its members, or for gross unsportsmanlike conduct.


9.1. The Constitution may be amended or revised by an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the voting members [i.e., if 60 ballots are returned, 40 approvals are required to adopt the proposed amendment(s)] by mail after presentation of the resolution in writing by mail.

9.2. Changes to the Class Rules may be proposed to the Executive Council by active members, by a licensed builder or by the national authority and may be effected by a majority of the entire Council.


10.1. If the FFCA Corporation should be dissolved, all assets of the corporation are to be distributed to US SAILING or to its successor.